This summer in the City Kid’s program, we have been working our way through What’s in the Bible’s Wonder Blimp curriculum. Each week the kids learn about a major truth as Clive and Ian (two of the puppets from the WITB videos) search for the answer to a big question. This Sunday we studied the question, “what should I do when I am afraid?” In this week’s video, Clive and Ian discovered that God is more powerful than any of our fears and that he wants us to talk about our fears with him. After the video, we discussed some of our fears and talked about what we can do when we’re feeling afraid. The kids asked some challenging and valuable questions and offered helpful responses. We concluded the lesson with a scavenger hunt and each clue had a story about someone in the Bible who was protected by God in a scary situation.

At the end of every lesson, each child receives a Take Home Card with discussion questions for review and a verse to reflect on.  When I have the opportunity to teach in our City Kids program, I am amazed (and challenged) by the depth of your children’s questions and answers. The Take Home Card provides you as a parent with the opportunity to reflect on the truth for that day with your child(ren), hear about their learning, and perhaps learn something yourself! I know how easy it is for these little papers to get lost in route from Church to home, so I am attaching the Take Home Card below and I hope that you will enjoy listening to their responses as much as I do!


