Psalmflections: Psalm 2


Psalmflections: Psalm 2

The nations have been in an uproar since nations have been a thing. How should we, as Christians, respond to that uproar?



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The first in a series of reflections on the Psalms.

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Prayers for Ukraine


Prayers for Ukraine

We’ve all be watching the situation in Ukraine and Russia become increasingly urgent. It is hard to know what to make of it all and it is hard to know how to respond. How will this reshape our world moving forward?

As God’s people, the one thing we know we can do is PRAY!


Read through the Bible


Read through the Bible

If there’s one practice that can transform your relationship with God dramatically it is listening to him speaking in his word and praying in response. What might God be waiting to say to you this coming year?


What If Someone Called Me A Racist?


What If Someone Called Me A Racist?

How might we respond when someone calls us a racist? There are many answers to that question, but Christians can always respond, “I’m actually much worse than that.”



Baltimore '68, '15, '20

We have a history of protest and unrest in the City of Baltimore. How can we learn from the past so that we can stop repeating it?


COVID-19 Care Connection


COVID-19 Care Connection

For those of you who have needs that are not being met, City Church would love to be able to help meet some of those needs through our care connection team.


On the Coronavirus


On the Coronavirus

This morning, I woke up to at least ten emails on the subject of the coronavirus. Almost every organization is thinking through plans in case of a larger scale outbreak. At City Church, we’ve been thinking through the implications of all this as well. 


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Being Like Minded

This past Sunday, we reflected on Philippians 2:3-4, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

We referenced Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s work, Life Together, and wanted to post the fuller quote.

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Soggy Sneaks!

Full hearts and soggy sneaks! Read a recap of City Church’s involvement in the Back on My Feet Sneaks Come Out at Night race.

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El Salvador Blog #3

Read the final update from our El Salvador Team. 



El Salvador Blog #2

Catch up on what our El Salvador team has been up to the past few days. 



El Salvador Blog #1

Read all about our El Salvador team's activities with Mission to El Salvador.



Habits of the Spirit

As the New Year arrives, many people will make resolutions that will impact their habits. We will work on better dietary habits, spending habits, or exercise habits. But, few will consider their spiritual habits.


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Christian Community Center


About the Christian Community Center

The Christian Community Center is a non-profit ministry in West Baltimore focused on reaching inner-city children with the gospel. Open from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays for all school-aged children, this relational ministry provides after-school bible studies among other activities. Believing that the most important thing the children need in their lives is God, they teach the bible every single day, guiding them to center their lives on Jesus as their Savior. Their reach also spreads to a ladies' ministry three times a week and a weekly men's bible study. 


Get Involved

Love spending time with children? Then drop by the Christian Community Center during their open hours! Whether it's playing games, shooting hoops, participating in crafts, helping with homework, teaching music, or helping share the gospel, the kids will love spending time with you during this after-school ministry.

Read about the latest happenings at the CCC: June 2020 Newsletter

Interested? Email Jordan at


Other Opportunities

  • Ladies' Bible StudyVolunteer Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for a women's bible study, then help serve either a snack or lunch to follow.

  • Men's Bible StudyVolunteer for this weekly Monday bible study geared towards men in this community.

  • Used Clothing and Toy Store – Donate your used items to their store open every Monday!

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Mission to North America's Disaster Response

We all have heard the names Harvey and Irma at this point. These two storms have certainly made names for themselves: both incredibly destructive, taking lives and disrupting many. Want to help? Assemble Flood Buckets & Hygiene Kits with us to send to Mission to North America's (MNA) Disaster Response Warehouse. MNA's Disaster Response Warehouse provides disaster relief by partnering with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) to gather crucial resources for communities affected by these catastrophic events.



Back on My Feet

CITY CHURCH has run for Back on My Feet (BOMF), but are you interested in lacing up weekly and running with Back on My Feet? City Church is helping BOMF get their new team started in the Penn North/Sandtown-Winchester neighborhoods, a Baltimore community that has experienced unbelievable unemployment rates (21% vs. 4.3% national average), poverty (30.9% vs. 14.5% national average), homelessness (1/3 of homes are vacant), and incarceration (3,074 per 100,000 persons vs. 455 national average). Team up with other CITY CHURCH members as we run (or walk) with BOMF members of this running-based model that aims to restore member's confidence, strength, and self-esteem to better equip them to tackle the road ahead and move toward jobs, homes, and new lives.


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A Small Church

Maybe, a little small church is just what we need. 

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Join Our Team

City Church is looking to hire two part-time staff members to help with our ministry to the church community and the neighborhoods of North Baltimore. 
