The Gospel

“City Church centers itself on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Simply put, the Gospel is “Good News.” It is the message that God has come, in time and space, to reconcile a people to Himself and to “make right” all that has gone wrong in the world. The story of the Gospel unfolds into four chapters. In Creation, God made the world in utter perfection in harmony with Him. Mankind experienced the beauty of a vital and life-giving relationship with God, the Creator. But the Fall introduced disharmony and corruption. Man’s rebellion introduced brokenness. We now live in a fallen world and are born into enmity with our Creator. But in the Gospel we believe that Jesus came on a mission of Redemption. God’s Son took on flesh, lived a perfect life, died an unjust death, and was resurrected from the grave. His work of redemption is applied to each of us who embrace Jesus in faith. Through Jesus, we can be restored to a right relationship with our Creator. In the Gospel, He is not just our Creator, but also our Father. Jesus represented God’s mission to bring Restoration  to the brokenness of our world. His children become agents of that restoration that brings healing to our city and our world. Eventually, we believe God’s mission of restoration will be complete. Those in right relationship with Him will experience the bliss of living in the City of God for all eternity.

City Church is committed to the neighborhood.

“A neighborhood church for the city we love”

God calls His people to be His agents of restoration in the places where He leads us. We believe that God calls us to work for the “welfare of the city” (Jer. 29:11). City Church believes in the importance of strong neighborhoods and vibrant communities. It is our hope that God would use us to serve the community that He has placed us in.

City Church is for worship and disciple-making.

God created us for worship. He created us to function best as a human when He is our highest object of affection. Jesus came to show what this life looks like and calls us to follow Him with our lives. A “disciple” is one who emulates a teacher with his life. Believers in Jesus recognize He was more than just a teacher and more than just an example. He was God with skin on. Followers of Jesus are called not just to be disciples but also to make disciples.

City Church cares for family and children.

Families are the most vital “institution” in any culture. Families were instituted by God to demonstrate to the world the love and affection of God, Our Father. We believe in the strength of families and the importance of raising children to love and worship Jesus Christ.

City Church integrates faith and career.

Many struggle with the tension of how their faith impacts their career. There are no easy answers to these questions, but that doesn’t mean we shy away from them. We believe that God’s call on our lives shapes everything we do, including our career. We are committed to exploring the tension of how to follow Jesus in the vocations that He has called us into.

City Church engages those who are oppressed and in need.

Because of the brokenness of our world, the oppressed and in need are all around us. We know this to be true because each of us struggles with “spiritual poverty” before God. The Gospel reshapes how we think of the greatest areas of injustice in our world. He calls us to deeply engage all those around us who are in need because He first met us in our place of need. Never is this truer than in an urban context. We believe that God calls His people to engage the oppressed and in need through radical and tangible deeds of love and service.


City Church is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). The PCA’s theological foundations are rooted in the historic creeds of church (The Apostles’ Creed, The Nicene Creed) and the Westminster Confession of Faith.

Why Urban Church Planting?

We operate under the conviction that “Church Planting,” or the birth of new worshipping communities, is one of the most effective ways of advancing the kingdom of God in our communities. We also believe that the City is one of the most strategic places for the Gospel to take root and impact our region.

Why Presbyterian?

City Church is a daughter church of Chapelgate Presbyterian Church and is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). The PCA was formed in 1973 as a denomination committed to the Gospel in the context of the Reformed Faith. These convictions uphold the authority of the Scriptures, the supremacy of Jesus Christ, and the doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone. The denomination is made up of thousands of churches that are theologically conservative and diverse in their expression.

By “Presbyterian” we mean that our church government is representative. Our church is led by Ruling Elders, men from among the congregation who serve as spiritual overseers or ministers of the Gospel in Word. Deacons also serve in the Presbyterian system. They care for the needs of the church and minister the Gospel primarily through Deed.