Here’s what you can expect at city kids:
At City Church, we value children as part of the covenant family. Children are welcome, wiggles and all, to worship with the congregation throughout the entire service. Their presence and childlike participation is encouraged.
The Wiggle Room provides livestream of the service for parents who want to step away for their little ones to move around.
Children are welcome to participate in a 20-30 minute lesson and activity time for children ages 3+ during the sermon.
Parents are welcome to accompany their child.
City Kids' activity sheets and busy boxes are available at the entrance.
City Kids' resource table has faith-building books and music resources for children and youth. Parents and children are encouraged to check them out!
“City Church cares for families and children."
“City Church posted all of our kids lessons on YouTube during covid-19. It’s great to be able to go back and rewatch them anytime.”
“The Bible project is a fantastic resources for learning the overall story of the bible and teaching it to young people.”
“The Risen motherhood blog provides wonderful gospel-centered hope for moms and caregivers. ”