YoungLives Baltimore is a community outreach that comes alongside teen parents and their children in order to help meet their physical, emotional and spiritual needs. YoungLives offers authentic one on one relationships to each teen mom in order to provide individualized support, encouragement and knowledge of the love of God. Their aim is to offer every teen mom a unique friendship in a fun filled, safe and loving environment.


Provide Transportation 1x/month: Baltimore Young Lives is in need of drivers for their club meetings during the school year. Club is one Saturday morning a month. Drivers are assigned one or multiple girls to pick up and drop off at club, stay and hang out during club and then provide transportation home.

Lead: Become a mentor to a teen mom as she navigates life and learn about God's love for them.

If anyone is interested in serving YoungLives, please email Courtney Sobus at courtneysobus@gmail.com.
