Join us for an Advent Series taken from Matthew 1. Matthew’s genealogy is careful to mention several mothers in Jesus’ family. These mothers were instrumental in carrying God's promises through the generations. They were an essential piece of the family God was crafting for the Savior to come. We’ll see that each mother has her own story, all leading to the coming of the Savior of the world.
Sunday, December 1: Tamar - Matthew 1:3 and Genesis 38. You can download the podcast here: TAMAR
Sunday, December 8: Rahab - Matthew 1:5 and Joshua 2. You can download the podcast here: RAHAB
Sunday, December 15: Ruth - Matthew 1:5 and the Book of Ruth. You can download the podcast here: RUTH
Sunday, December 22: Bathsheba - Matthew 1:6 and 2 Samuel 11
Tuesday, December 24: Mary - Matthew 1:16, 18-25 (Christmas Eve)