cutting room floor.001Often there a lot of footnotes, quotes, links, and illustrations that go into worship and a message on Sunday mornings. Some of those items make it, other's don't. The cutting room floor includes a little bit of everything. Here is a sampling from Easter Weekend: Good Friday: "The Forsaken God" from Psalm 22

You can download the sermon here: City Church iTunes Podcast.

Here is a link to Trent Bell's photo gallery entitled REFLECT: Trent Bell Reflect. It shows the images of 12 convicts superimposed on letters they wrote to their younger selves. Here is link to a video produced about his art: REFLECT Video. Here is a piece the Huffington Post did on the project: Convicts Pose With Heartbreaking Letters to Their Younger Selves.

CNN posted a photo documentary on the execution of an Iranian man named Balal. You can see the powerful photos of his forgiveness here: Iranian Execution Halted

Easter Sunday: "God Raised Him Up" from Acts 2:14-41

You can download the sermon here: City Church iTunes Podcast.

Here is a link to the Lincoln Memorial Interactive.

"The good news, the great news, of Jesus is that with his resurrection it becomes clear not only that he is Messiah and Lord, but that in death he has dealt evil itself a blow from which, though it still retains some power, will never overcome." - NT Wright

"Join this movement, allow the death and resurrection of Jesus to become the badge you wear, the sign of your identity, with you and your children sharing in the new life of the baptized community..." - NT Wright