Roland run presbyterian
Roland run presbyterian
w/ Valley Presbyterian Church
2200 West Joppa Road, Lutherville, MD 21093
We are a Presbyterian (PCA) church community in the neighborhoods of North Baltimore. Join us for worship or visit one of our community groups to discover God’s movement in our lives and in our city.
City Church is blessed by volunteers and staff members alike who help us serve our congregation and our community. Get to know our staff!
As a Presbyterian (PCA) church plant committed to the neighborhood of North Baltimore, City Church has a distinct set of Biblically guided values.
We meet every Sunday at 9:00 a.m. at the Three Arts Club of Homeland (4 Wyndhurst Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21210).
Each of us longs to have people in our lives who know us and love us in spite of ourselves. Community groups are a great way to grow with Christ and others.
Kids are a vital part of our church both during services and throughout the week. Find out how your child can be a part of what’s going on at City Church
We believe that life is found in giving it away and that small acts of service can help heal the brokenness in our city. Learn more about our service opportunities.
Throughout much of history, God’s people interacted with the world from the outside. More often than not, they found themselves in a world that was either apathetic or outright hostile to their faith. What did it mean for them to practice their faith while in exile? What does it mean for you and I to do the same?
We’ve all be watching the situation in Ukraine and Russia become increasingly urgent. It is hard to know what to make of it all and it is hard to know how to respond. How will this reshape our world moving forward?
As God’s people, the one thing we know we can do is PRAY!
If there’s one practice that can transform your relationship with God dramatically it is listening to him speaking in his word and praying in response. What might God be waiting to say to you this coming year?
How might we respond when someone calls us a racist? There are many answers to that question, but Christians can always respond, “I’m actually much worse than that.”
We have a history of protest and unrest in the City of Baltimore. How can we learn from the past so that we can stop repeating it?
For those of you who have needs that are not being met, City Church would love to be able to help meet some of those needs through our care connection team.
This morning, I woke up to at least ten emails on the subject of the coronavirus. Almost every organization is thinking through plans in case of a larger scale outbreak. At City Church, we’ve been thinking through the implications of all this as well.
This past Sunday, we reflected on Philippians 2:3-4, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”
We referenced Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s work, Life Together, and wanted to post the fuller quote.
Full hearts and soggy sneaks! Read a recap of City Church’s involvement in the Back on My Feet Sneaks Come Out at Night race.
The first in a series of reflections on the Psalms.